Hero6 Forums

The Hero6 Project => Official Hero6 News => Topic started by: Brassfire on September 04, 2004, 04:36:40 PM

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Brassfire on September 04, 2004, 04:36:40 PM
We need new forum icons, new smilies, new avatars, everything!

(I'm going to be on dialup over the next while and won't be able to do much.)

If anyone wants to make a paler blue or beigeish skin for those who don't like the dark blue that'd be cool too. B)

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Jafar on September 05, 2004, 06:04:46 AM
Don't Vamp&Angelus have a smiley collection at their board? Maybe we could ask them to spare a few smileys.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on September 05, 2004, 07:04:54 AM
You could try asking them, Jafar.

Here's Spikey's emoticon collection. I'm sure he won't mind seeing them used here.

http://members.lycos.nl/rustedpipe/smileys/ (http://members.lycos.nl/rustedpipe/smileys/)

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Jafar on September 09, 2004, 11:42:04 AM
http://www.eternal-anubis.com/Smilies.html (http://www.eternal-anubis.com/Smilies.html)
And heres the aforementioned collection. They probably won't mind, but its politer to ask.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on September 09, 2004, 11:52:14 AM
Cool smilies.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Pwincess on September 10, 2004, 07:25:21 AM
I love this one:


Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Jafar on September 10, 2004, 07:37:45 AM
I still think this one is funny:

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Pwincess on September 10, 2004, 11:18:00 PM
This would be the perfect icon to show your hero (wizard class) in training (http://www.eternal-anubis.com/magic.gif)

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Jafar on September 11, 2004, 09:48:35 AM
All those are cool, but I think we should find some basic smileys and stick with them.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Louisiana Night on November 11, 2004, 10:08:52 AM
Are you still looking for icons/avatars/smilies, or have you finished?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on November 11, 2004, 03:12:47 PM
Hi LN!

I think they're still looking. Do you have any?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Louisiana Night on November 11, 2004, 05:41:28 PM
I was thinking more along the lines of making some. :P

Either that, or converting some Tux/penguin smilies. XD

EDIT: I don't know if this is what you meant, but here are some websites, that have free smileys.

Googled Emoticons (http://directory.google.com/Top/Computers/Graphics/Web/Free/Smilies/)

P.S. I have NO idea if they were meant for the purpose you're wanting them for.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on November 12, 2004, 05:33:27 AM
I think this is gross. :lol:


Title: Icon Contest
Post by: pyro on November 12, 2004, 06:35:16 AM

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Pwincess on November 12, 2004, 11:07:32 AM
Poor Mr Smily...

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Jafar on November 12, 2004, 01:00:12 PM
Ouch! :blink:

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Ignus_Draconus on November 23, 2004, 01:11:17 AM
I'm very glad that that isn't me.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Jafar on January 18, 2005, 04:03:54 AM
I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting tired of that ugly white border thing around the smilies... It's high time we do something about them.

Now, the way I see it, we have two choices.

A:Use the smilies, but find a way to get rid of that awful border.
B:Scrap these and get new smilies.

What does everyone else think? I could always ask the owners of the aforementioned sites if this place could use some of the smilies there.
And maybe you could find someone who can make smilies. So, who's with me? Stay with the annoying border, or fix the smilies?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Pwincess on January 18, 2005, 05:05:07 AM
Lol, I never noticed the border until you mentioned it just now  ^_^

Yeap, this competition is still going, so design new smilies, edit the current ones, or find new ones :D

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Jafar on January 18, 2005, 06:48:07 AM
From Spikeys collection, I think these are the best:
Angelic - (http://members.lycos.nl/rustedpipe/smileys/angel2.gif)
Happeh Birthday - (http://members.lycos.nl/rustedpipe/smileys/birthday.gif)
Crying - (http://members.lycos.nl/rustedpipe/smileys/cry.gif)
Upset - (http://members.lycos.nl/rustedpipe/smileys/frown.gif)
BONK - (http://members.lycos.nl/rustedpipe/smileys/hammer.gif)
Snarl - (http://members.lycos.nl/rustedpipe/smileys/frustration.gif)
Rolling eyes. - (http://members.lycos.nl/rustedpipe/smileys/rolleyes.gif)
Laugh - (http://members.lycos.nl/rustedpipe/smileys/lol.gif)
Love-Eyes - (http://members.lycos.nl/rustedpipe/smileys/love.gif)
Shocked - (http://members.lycos.nl/rustedpipe/smileys/shocked.gif)
Smile - (http://members.lycos.nl/rustedpipe/smileys/happy.gif)
Swi- er, Whip - (http://members.lycos.nl/rustedpipe/smileys/whip.gif)

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on January 18, 2005, 07:11:00 AM
I'll probably try to create some emoticons this week. I'm not sure if I can make them, but I'll give it a shot, and I suggest you guys try making some too.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Pwincess on January 18, 2005, 10:20:54 AM
Can they be similar to the current ones?  (The current ones are SO cute!)  ^_^

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on January 18, 2005, 12:20:42 PM
Yeah, I was thinking of using the current ones as the base for making new ones since I've never made emoticons before.

Edit: How to make Smilies (http://www.esmileys.com/makesmileys.php)

Look what I did!

:D B) ;) -_- <_< ^_^ :lol: :angry: :mellow: :huh: :o :ph34r: :) :P

Got rid of the white border. What do you guys think?

These came from the "Post Icons" section of the forums. I didn't convert them all as some of them looked too similar to the emoticons available. What do you think?

:cheerygrin: :annoyed: :whatever: :sick: :heart: :!: :?:

[edit] Using the current smileys now.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Jafar on January 18, 2005, 06:20:05 PM
Great job. They look alot better without the border. The animated ones will be harder though...

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on January 19, 2005, 03:06:15 PM
(First post)

Very true. I'll have to install Fireworks and remove the white borders frame by frame...

(Second post)

Look! I made these!

:emb: :blush: ;P :kawaii:

Comments, anyone?
Any ideas what emoticons we should have?

Also, for those of you who want to make your own emoticons, here is the base face for you to work on.

I've attached it to this post so you can download it from here.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Jafar on January 19, 2005, 03:53:35 PM
Great job, Swift! Keep it up. Some of those remind me of those cool KQ9 smilies. =)

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: BF(d'oh) on January 19, 2005, 07:13:18 PM
Great job, Swift!

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on January 19, 2005, 07:15:38 PM
Thank you! *bows*

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Pwincess on January 20, 2005, 02:55:37 AM
Nice work Swift!!!

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Lord_Bierhoff on January 20, 2005, 03:03:38 AM
excellent I like those Swift, particularly the winking tongue.  I've always wanted one of those.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: pyro on January 20, 2005, 04:19:59 AM
Nice smilies, there consistant with the existing set good work. Also it'd be cool if someone made a pirate emoticon, always wanted one don't know why ofcourse id probably never find a use for it.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Pwincess on January 20, 2005, 06:20:01 AM
What about a kirby smiley?   ^_^

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on January 20, 2005, 08:15:57 AM
Or an Evil smiley.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on January 20, 2005, 11:48:00 AM
Thanks for the comments. Good suggestions, everyone! Here are some emoticon ideas from me.

Hero/ Superhero/ Famous Adventurer Badge
Crown-wearing smiley or a prince and princess smiley
Magic symbol, probably a pentagram
Thumbs-up/thumbs-down or a smiley with the thumbs-up/thumbs-down
A hands-covering eyes smiley
Sweat-drop smiley
Kiss and/or kissing smiley
Devil smiley
Scared smiley
Shocked smiley
ROFL smiley

What do you think of the list? Anymore suggestions?

Note, everyone is welcome to make any of these emoticons that are mentioned in this topic as well as create their own.

[edit] Forgot about the crying smiley and the whip-wielding smiley!

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Striker on January 20, 2005, 06:46:20 PM
Hey, as I said... great smilies!

/postcount +1

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on January 20, 2005, 06:48:46 PM
Thanks, Striker.

Finished editing the animated smileys with Fireworks.


I suppose making new animated smileys would be harder, so I'll probably attempt that another time.

[edit]Now using the current smileys.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on January 20, 2005, 07:56:17 PM
We also need a bonking smiley. You know, the one with the guy with the hammer hitting the other guy on the head with the hammer.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Pwincess on January 20, 2005, 08:17:43 PM
he he he  ^_^

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on January 20, 2005, 09:03:47 PM

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on January 21, 2005, 04:15:33 AM
(first post, Jan 21 2005, 10:10 AM)

Good idea.

(second post)

All existing smileys have been modified and uploaded. :)

If you're still seeing the smileys with the white boarder, you'll have to clear your cache in order to see the updated ones.

As for the new ones, I don't quite know how to add those.

(third post, 06:49 PM)

New smileys.

:angel: - Angel
(http://cc.domaindlx.com/Moonflower/sweatdrop.gif) - Sweat-drop 1
(http://cc.domaindlx.com/Moonflower/sweatdrop2.gif) - Sweat-drop 2
:'( - Cry
:royal: - Crown-wearing Smiley

Any comments on how they can be improved? Which Sweat-drop smiley is better, or are they both bad?

Another smiley I just thought of is a Clown smiley.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on January 21, 2005, 05:08:38 PM
Both of the sweating smileys are bad.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on January 21, 2005, 05:14:07 PM
Could you suggest how they can be improved then?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on January 21, 2005, 05:15:22 PM
Have them screaming in terror while Robin Hood shoots arrows at them.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on January 21, 2005, 05:16:48 PM
Haha, very funny. Seriously, how can the sweat-drop smiley be improved? Use a bigger sweat drop?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on January 21, 2005, 05:17:52 PM
Same sweat drop, but have the smiley smiling and looking to one side.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on January 21, 2005, 05:23:51 PM
Thanks. Would you like to try and make smileys? It's rather simple. So far, I did a lot of cut-and-paste to make the new ones.

Just to point out to everyone, we're also looking for new post icons (the little pic right next to the title) and avatars. So even if you can't make smileys, you can still contribute avatars, for instance. It'll be neat if they're somewhat related to the fantasy setting.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on January 21, 2005, 05:39:06 PM
So no Death Star Avatars? Aww.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on January 21, 2005, 05:47:53 PM
Well, you are allowed to submit anything which you think might be suitable for this forum, but whether it gets picked is probably up to the admins to decide. I think they're more likely to pick an avatar that's original over something which can be easily found on the Net. I just happen to think that it'll be cool to have the avatars fit the Hero6 theme, but you're not restricted to doing only fantasy-based avatars.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on January 21, 2005, 05:50:39 PM
Okay. I'm not much of an artist, but I'm sure I can scrounge up something. Actually, I make a mean signature. Just give me a web-comic and thirty minutes. Anyone want one? Just tell me the webcomic and I'll have one for you before you can say "Rubber Ducky"

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Jafar on January 21, 2005, 06:14:43 PM
Maybe if the sweating smilie looked more nervous.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Pwincess on January 21, 2005, 10:12:12 PM
Check out the new icons! (when you post your next post)  :royal:

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Jafar on January 21, 2005, 10:25:03 PM
Coolness! :angel:

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on January 22, 2005, 01:22:45 AM
Wow!  :angel:  :royal: :cheerygrin:  :kawai:  :blush:

Thanks to the person/s who added the new smileys! :wub:

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on January 22, 2005, 04:31:02 AM
Where's EVIL?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Pwincess on January 22, 2005, 07:15:13 AM
Phattie uploaded the new pic's and I added the links  ;P

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on January 22, 2005, 11:57:41 AM
Again, where is EVIL?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on January 22, 2005, 12:49:28 PM
EVIL hasn't ben made yet. You're free to create it.

Thanks Pwincess and PHattiE. B)

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on January 22, 2005, 09:31:10 PM
Yeah, thanks, Fatty and Pwincess.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Pwincess on January 28, 2005, 11:10:50 PM
What other icons do we need to add to our smilies?  

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Ignus_Draconus on January 29, 2005, 04:06:42 AM
a smiley with his head on fire.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on January 29, 2005, 04:11:01 AM

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Jafar on January 29, 2005, 04:21:39 AM
A bonking smiley, so KLK's trademark will live on in headacheful Smilazation. :P

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on January 29, 2005, 05:35:09 AM
A BRILLIANT smiley. Not sure how to do it, but it needs one.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on January 29, 2005, 05:44:05 AM
These are all the smileys that were suggested so far:

Hero/ Superhero/ Famous Adventurer Badge
Thumbs-up/thumbs-down or a smiley with the thumbs-up/thumbs-down
A hands-covering eyes smiley
Whip-wielding smiley
Happy Birthday
Fire-on-head smiley
Ghost smiley
Brilliant smiley
Lightbulb smiley
Stuck in snowdrift smiley



Sweat-drop smiley
Chilly smiley
Magic Symbol
Kissing smiley
Bonking smiley

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Pwincess on January 29, 2005, 05:44:20 AM
A smilie being chased by a stick?  (in memory of klk)  ;P

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Ignus_Draconus on January 29, 2005, 06:06:38 AM
how about a smiley that's stuck in a snowdrift?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on January 29, 2005, 06:31:16 AM
You forgot my BRILLIANT!!! smiley.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Ignus_Draconus on January 29, 2005, 06:45:09 AM
you mean like a lightbulb smiley?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on January 29, 2005, 06:46:54 AM
No, I mean like a guy in a brown tuxedo saying BRILLIANT!!!

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Ignus_Draconus on January 29, 2005, 06:49:18 AM
I think I'd rather have the lightbulb.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Pwincess on January 29, 2005, 06:53:44 AM
lightbulb = new idea smilie/brilliant smilie  :D

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on January 29, 2005, 05:12:39 PM
That would make a good post icon too.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on January 29, 2005, 07:11:08 PM
Aw, so no REAL BRILLIANT!!! smiley..

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Pwincess on January 29, 2005, 08:10:06 PM
You can always design it Corsair, if you have time  ^_^

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on January 29, 2005, 08:27:40 PM

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on January 31, 2005, 01:22:54 PM
Possible avatars? (http://cc.domaindlx.com/Moonflower/avatar.htm)
These were taken from the Gallery and the Demo.

What do you think of these as forum avatars?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Jafar on January 31, 2005, 01:26:06 PM
I think that the color ones would do nicely. And maybe that pic of the Hero too, it looks cool. B)

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on January 31, 2005, 01:27:06 PM
What about the black and white ones? Should they be coloured?

More importantly, who wants to colour them?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on January 31, 2005, 09:08:37 PM
What Jafar said.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Ignus_Draconus on January 31, 2005, 10:59:51 PM
I think I like my dragon.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on January 31, 2005, 11:58:46 PM
I like my Bonehead.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on February 01, 2005, 04:34:54 PM
New emoticons!

:clover: (http://cc.domaindlx.com/Moonflower/paladin.gif) (http://cc.domaindlx.com/Moonflower/fighter.gif) :fighter: :pentagram:

What do you think? And which fighter emoticon is better?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Lord_Bierhoff on February 01, 2005, 04:38:25 PM
I think the second one is better, just by a little bit though.  they're both good

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Jafar on February 01, 2005, 04:46:40 PM
Great job! I've been needing a Paladin Smiley. :D
I think Fighter 2 is better.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on February 01, 2005, 04:52:47 PM
Thanks for the feedback, guys.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Guest on February 01, 2005, 05:28:12 PM
Love the last two. The shamrock is also very pretty!

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on February 01, 2005, 05:30:00 PM
Thanks, Ianfe. That shamrock is really Malone's old avatar. I just borrowed his avatar and extended the stem.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on February 01, 2005, 06:35:20 PM
I agree. Fighter 2 is better. The first one looks like a Scimitar, the second's looks more like a broadsword.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Ignus_Draconus on February 01, 2005, 10:56:59 PM
I like fighter 2 as well.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on February 02, 2005, 03:06:51 AM
Then we are agreed!

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on February 02, 2005, 03:17:21 AM
What about the paladin smiley? What do you guys think of it?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on February 02, 2005, 03:31:52 AM
He needs a shield, but other than that, r0xx0rz!!!11!1!

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on February 02, 2005, 03:34:24 AM
What kind (and colour) of shield would you suggest? I want to try and make the fighter and paladin emoticons distinct.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on February 02, 2005, 03:41:22 AM
Silver circular shield is my suggestion.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on February 02, 2005, 03:43:05 AM
K, thanks.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on February 02, 2005, 03:44:37 AM
My pleasure.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on February 02, 2005, 06:01:34 AM
Made a second version of the paladin.


These two were done by Kailkay!

What do you think?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Kailkay on February 02, 2005, 06:30:26 AM
Boo! Kailkay, you suck! Never do smiley graphics again!

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on February 02, 2005, 06:32:26 AM
Very funny, Klk. Those smilies of yours look great. Do make more please :).

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Kailkay on February 02, 2005, 06:36:48 AM
Okay, I guess. :/

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on February 02, 2005, 06:57:31 AM
Paladin one = Uber.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Jafar on February 02, 2005, 01:04:46 PM
Nice job, K. and the Paladin one is also cool. B)

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: ndcent168 on February 02, 2005, 03:38:20 PM
Nice work on the Smileys. Do you guys use PhotoShop for those or what program?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on February 02, 2005, 04:11:44 PM
I used Photoshop, while Kailkay used Fireworks. You can use Paint to make the smilies.  

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on February 02, 2005, 04:30:45 PM
I don't know how to make a good one, in any case.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on February 02, 2005, 05:04:28 PM
Just practise with the existing smilies first. Experiment with the different tools available and try to modify your smiley. For me, I resized the pictures that I want to add (eg. Sword) and pasted them on an existing smiley.

If you're working on a saved file, remember to select and copy the picture, and then paste it on a new screen. This is to ensure that you're able to add colours and/or pictures without any weird colour effects.

The typical pixel dimensions for the smilies are 20 by 20.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on February 02, 2005, 05:24:15 PM
Hm. I'll try that.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on February 02, 2005, 08:08:01 PM
Kailkay sent in more smilies.

(http://cc.domaindlx.com/Moonflower/pirate.gif) - Pirate

(http://cc.domaindlx.com/Moonflower/thief.gif) - Thief

Whatcha think of them?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on February 02, 2005, 08:16:18 PM
Pirate is good, but the thief looks more like a guy in earrings.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on February 02, 2005, 09:20:17 PM
Any suggestions on how Thief can be improved?

Made two smilies.

(http://cc.domaindlx.com/Moonflower/fairy.gif) - Fairy
(http://cc.domaindlx.com/Moonflower/wizard.gif) - Wizard

Hmm... that staff doesn't look so good. I'll probably have to get him a new one. Anyway, what do you think of them, and how can they be improved on if they don't look so good?  

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Lord_Bierhoff on February 02, 2005, 09:25:41 PM
they look cute.  maybe you could add a magic effect to the staff

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on February 02, 2005, 09:33:49 PM
Thanks. I'll probably add the magical effect after completing a few more stationary smilies.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Jafar on February 02, 2005, 09:40:00 PM
Thief is prettp good, I think you need to make it more clear that it's a dagger though. There's something funny about the Pirates mouth...maybe if it was more of a snarl...

Fairy is cool, and I agree with LB about the magic effect.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on February 02, 2005, 09:41:27 PM
Give him a hood, maybe, or a little cloak.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: KLK on February 02, 2005, 09:43:26 PM
The thief was supposed to be a moving .gif where the dude falls from the top like QFG 2 beginning, looks to either side, and takes off. :/

I'll have to stay up till 1 o'clock again, working on them.


Actually this is really wierd now, since the water drop smiley worked.... Huh. Ah well.  :rolleyes:

One day, when I look back on this, I won't want to destroy the human race.

Unfortunately, until then... I toy with nuclear physics! Ahahahaha!

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Striker on February 02, 2005, 09:45:40 PM
Pirate = alright, but the mouth (or mustache is weird)
Thief = EDIT: I guess we'll wait for the full animated one

Fairy = The smile is a bit too large, I think.  Other than that, excellent.
Wizard = Quite good.  Maybe a pointy hat, too?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on February 02, 2005, 09:47:34 PM
That's odd. The file you sent me didn't move at all. Also, the background was still there, so I had it removed via Photoshop (which also didn't detect that it's an animated gif).

[edit] Striker: K, thanks for the comments. I'll see what I can do about them.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on February 03, 2005, 11:20:38 AM
Ok, I edited the smileys. How are they?

(http://cc.domaindlx.com/Moonflower/fairy.gif) - Original
:fairy: - Version 2

(http://cc.domaindlx.com/Moonflower/wizard.gif) - Original
(http://cc.domaindlx.com/Moonflower/wizard2.gif) - Version 2
:wizard: - Version 3

What do you think?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on February 03, 2005, 09:47:01 PM
Wiz 3 = Best, imo.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Ignus_Draconus on February 03, 2005, 11:21:24 PM
I agree with corsair, but why does the wiz look so agry?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on February 04, 2005, 12:41:31 AM
Hesperian Mercenaries. Or maybe it's just because of QfG5.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Kailkay on February 04, 2005, 12:42:43 AM
Wizards are always angry at the piddling mortals and their insignificant affairs.

I should know; I'm one of those wizards.

Bow to me, mortal slave and polish my shoes, or I shall wreak havoc upon the world known on the global scale as only preposterously destructive. The human race shall pay for your ignorance, pitiful wor-

Hrm, enough of wizard-me.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on February 04, 2005, 12:46:33 AM
Darkness. 'nuff said.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Jafar on February 04, 2005, 01:25:18 AM
Wizards are always angry at the piddling mortals and their insignificant affairs.

I should know; I'm one of those wizards.

Bow to me, mortal slave and polish my shoes, or I shall wreak havoc upon the world known on the global scale as only preposterously destructive. The human race shall pay for your ignorance, pitiful wor-

Hrm, enough of wizard-me.
I thought you were a fighter! :P

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on February 04, 2005, 02:57:08 AM
Well, he was, until he discovered the mystic power of the Stick of Impenetrable Sorcering. It's a big stick with a rock in it.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on February 04, 2005, 10:03:07 AM
I thought it'll look cool to have the wizard look as though he was about to cast an offensive spell, and decided to show his agressive side. It was partly inspired by Vaarsuvius in this article: http://www.giantitp.com/ootsChars.html (http://www.giantitp.com/ootsChars.html).

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on February 04, 2005, 04:44:43 PM
Hm..I'm thinking I like this preg_replace('/(.{39})/', '$1 ', 'Vaarsivicu..Vaarsumac...Varsmiley...Dodge') Caravan..BLAST AND BEBOTHER it all!

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Pwincess on February 04, 2005, 09:49:16 PM
Don't forget to check out the new icons!  :wizard:  :paladin:   :clover:   :fairy:   -_-;   :pentagram:   :chilly:   :fighter:

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on February 04, 2005, 10:07:51 PM
As I said, though, the Blackguard is needed!

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Ignus_Draconus on February 04, 2005, 10:24:37 PM
or a rogue. rogue would be nice.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Pwincess on February 05, 2005, 12:15:14 AM
Stop complaining and start making those smilies guys!  We can't expect Swift to sit down and make all of them

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on February 05, 2005, 12:23:50 AM
Yes, yes we can.  

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Pwincess on February 05, 2005, 12:28:00 AM
Good, I expect to see that new smilie of yours by next Saturday Corsair  ;P

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on February 05, 2005, 01:54:29 AM
Thank you so much for offering to make smilies, Corsair!  :fairy:

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on February 05, 2005, 02:10:38 AM
I was referring to the fact that we can expect Swift to do it all. Besides, you'd hate to see my smilies.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on February 05, 2005, 02:20:56 AM
Yeah, I knew you were talking about that. But seriously, the more time I spend on smilies, the less time I have to try and make other stuff, like badges.... Don't you want your Hero badge?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on February 05, 2005, 02:21:25 AM
Point taken and much taken! No need for a blackguard!

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Ignus_Draconus on February 05, 2005, 05:47:10 AM
I don't know how to make smilies.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on February 05, 2005, 07:01:39 AM
There are online tutorials to read if you want to learn how to make smilies, such as this.

http://www.esmileys.com/makesmileys.php (http://www.esmileys.com/makesmileys.php)

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on June 06, 2005, 01:39:50 AM
Just in case you guys aren't sure which were modifed, and what the new ones are suppose to be, here they are.

 :blackguard: - Blackguard
 :devil:  - Devil
 :elf: - Elf
 :-* - Kiss
 :rofl:  - ROFL
 :thief:  - Thief
 :dragon:  - Dragon
 :unicorn:  - Unicorn
 :kirby: - Kirby

Modified smilies

 :lol: - LOL
 :wizard: - Wizard
 :fighter:  - Fighter
 :paladin: - Paladin
 :'( - Cry

[edit] Added the cry smiley. Can't believe I forgot about that.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on June 06, 2005, 04:17:42 AM
Woohoo! Blackguard smiley!

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Paladin0707077 on June 06, 2005, 07:27:57 AM
Like the new Paladin smiley. :paladin: And the ROFL one's good, too. :rofl:  

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Ignus_Draconus on June 06, 2005, 07:44:54 PM
:dragon: much appreciated, swift.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on June 07, 2005, 01:20:02 AM
Ignus, I see that you're still posting via hero6.com/visitors. The new emoticons will not appear there due to some 'broken link to emoticon folder' problem. If you want to make full use of the new and modified emoticons, go to visitors.hero6.com/forums and post from there. I've edited your post so that the dragon can be seen.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Ignus_Draconus on June 07, 2005, 01:39:11 AM
thanks swift, but I'll stick to what's familiar until there's no hope of a solution to the problem.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on July 04, 2005, 03:15:13 AM
How many of you are interested in making smilies for Hero6? If you're interested, I can make a tutorial so that you guys can try a hand at making them.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Ignus_Draconus on July 04, 2005, 11:44:43 PM
I'd try to make smileys.  

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Rosella on July 07, 2005, 06:34:30 AM
Well, I made 2 smilies.


Or the slightly less obnoxious


So what do you think?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Jafar on July 07, 2005, 06:37:14 AM
They're both cool, though I like the one with no buck-teeth better. B)  

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on July 07, 2005, 06:39:45 AM
I prefer nerd.gif over nerd2.gif, but I'll wait to see what the others say before choosing which to upload.

Nice smilies, by the way. Make more please.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Silverbolt on July 07, 2005, 07:29:45 AM
Nerd 1. The teeth are essential and instrumental to a nerd.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on July 07, 2005, 07:49:42 AM
Nerd 1.

Request: An Avoozl one. It's essential!  

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Rosella on July 07, 2005, 02:04:52 PM
Here are 2 other smilies I made


Aaaaand, drumroll, please.


Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on July 07, 2005, 03:11:08 PM
That looks good. Nice work, Rosella. :)

And now XD and :bonk: have been added to the database. :elf:  

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Ignus_Draconus on July 07, 2005, 04:04:22 PM
YAY! more smileys

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on July 07, 2005, 04:35:27 PM
I still need a few more votes before deciding which nerd smiley to upload. Which nerd do you prefer?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Ignus_Draconus on July 08, 2005, 05:24:53 PM
why not put  them both up? one is an excessively nerdy nerd, and the other is one of those semi-invisible, no one cares, almost cool kind of nerd

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on July 08, 2005, 05:29:22 PM
You didn't put up the blackjacking one, Swifty!

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on July 08, 2005, 05:43:11 PM
Blackjacking one? You mean the bonking emoticon? Obviously somebody didn't bother to check the full emoticon list. :rolleyes:

:bonk: to Corsair

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Silverbolt on July 08, 2005, 07:22:20 PM
Quick. Stand Guard. I'll go hide the body in a pool of hydrochloric Acid.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Rosella on July 08, 2005, 08:36:03 PM
In earlier (messed up) versions. The smilie didn't die.


He's not actually supposed to die in this one either...But I guess the X's on his eyes prove otherwise.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Pwincess on July 08, 2005, 10:58:56 PM
Voting for Nerd.gif  ^_^  

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Kailkay on July 09, 2005, 01:59:40 AM
First one, sil vouz plez.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Silverbolt on July 09, 2005, 06:50:11 AM
Your French is atrociuos... :blink:


Seeing how I don't know how to make them, I request a Mouse smiley...please?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on July 09, 2005, 05:12:11 PM
I request a miniature giant space hamster.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Silverbolt on July 09, 2005, 05:41:56 PM
And a Minsc one.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Kailkay on July 09, 2005, 11:27:06 PM
A wisely old Kailkay smilie!

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on July 10, 2005, 04:08:25 AM
How about a Minsc WITH a minature giant space hamster, commonly known as Boo, who is considerably wiser than Minsc..he took a couple clubs to the head, y'know.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Silverbolt on July 10, 2005, 10:23:03 AM
"Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes!!! RAAAARGH!!!!"

Yeah, Minsc and Boo smiley is a good idea.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on July 10, 2005, 10:36:38 AM
How about you guys try making these smilies? I can't make everything.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Silverbolt on July 10, 2005, 11:55:36 AM
We weren't asking you. We were just suggesting stuff and hoped at least SOMEONE can take a hint.

I suck at making stuff like that.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on July 10, 2005, 12:08:58 PM
Most of the time I'm the one making the emoticons because very few are willing to try and make them. Making emoticons is quite an easy task, and fun too, as Rosella found out recently. Go ahead and try making some emoticons. I'll be attaching a tutorial next week to show you guys how to make them.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Kailkay on July 11, 2005, 12:25:49 AM
If you'll remember, I've made a few.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on August 20, 2005, 12:48:21 PM
I forgot about Rosella's nerd emoticon. It's been added to the emoticon family. I think this was what most people voted for? 8B

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Silverbolt on August 20, 2005, 05:29:32 PM
8B  8B  8B  8B  8B Ah, the eternal nerd!


Ok, suggestion for anyone out there who can hear my call:

The  ;) emot looks like it's constipated. Definately not a "wink" emot. I think Invision should revise that. Other than that, Could someone make a better wink emot?

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on August 21, 2005, 01:34:10 AM
It doesn't look like it's constipated. Maybe if it were gritting it's teeth with both eyes closed..

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Silverbolt on August 21, 2005, 10:46:42 AM
Oh, please! It looks like Max Payne in the first game!

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Sirus on September 10, 2005, 09:10:02 PM
Hey guys, I joined today (but have been lurking for a while) and made these in Photoshop. I did a print screen of the Greenleaf Demo for them.

Hero6 hero

Hero6 wait

Question: How do you make them transparent? Tell me and I'll redo them...

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on September 11, 2005, 12:20:46 AM
Pretty good. Now if you could just pare off the white on the fringes.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on September 11, 2005, 04:19:11 AM
Welcome, Sirus. Those look lovely. Thanks for making them. Here's how to make the background transparent.

Use the Magic Wand and select the areas that you wish to make transparent.
Go to Help->Export Transparent Image

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Sirus on September 11, 2005, 05:34:42 AM
Well, I re-uploaded them.... The logo looks good, but I'll need to play with the Hero a bit....

[edit] Alright, I think I got them pretty good.. Any suggestions?

Hero6 hero

Hero6 wait

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on September 11, 2005, 09:59:57 AM
I can't think of any suggestions. They look perfect. Unless anyone has any useful suggestions for improving them, I'd like to add those to the emoticon collection. Thanks. Btw, would you like a custom title? I've decided to give custom titles to those who've contributed emoticons, which last for one week per emoticon.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Guest on September 11, 2005, 04:41:27 PM
Cool, thanks for the compliment! ^_^

For a title, how about "Novice Hero" or something like that (sinced I just joined...) Or is that asking too much?  

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Sirus on September 11, 2005, 04:43:56 PM
Oops, I forgot to log in.... :unsure:

[edit] I changed a few pixels on the Hero yet again

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on September 12, 2005, 01:20:21 PM
I adjusted the contrast for the :hero:. Is this ok?

Both :hero: and :charmed: have been added to the collection.

Btw, check out your title, Sirus.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on September 12, 2005, 04:48:42 PM
:hero:  :blackguard:

Ah, excellent. Now we can have Hero vs. Blackguard emoticon duels.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Reish Vedaur on September 12, 2005, 05:25:23 PM
I have a few emoticons but I didn't make them... so I'll just stay as I am ^_^ Nice emoticons

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on September 12, 2005, 06:58:36 PM
I suggest you post them here, Reish. If the community likes them, I'll add those too, and you'd also get a custom title. I'd prefer if the emoticons are of a similar style to the existing ones.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Sirus on September 12, 2005, 08:42:35 PM
:hero:  :blackguard:

Ah, excellent. Now we can have Hero vs. Blackguard emoticon duels.
Ya, but don't forget that the Hero has friends...

 :fighter:  :paladin:  :wizard:  :thief:  :hero:  VS  :blackguard:


(2nd post)

No, I mean like a guy in a brown tuxedo saying BRILLIANT!!!
This one is for Cosair  :D

(Any critques?)

[edit]Oops, sorry for the double post.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on September 12, 2005, 10:41:41 PM
You found that post? I made that half a year ago, man.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Sirus on September 12, 2005, 10:45:48 PM
You found that post? I made that half a year ago, man.
I was bored, and I read through the whole thread..  :cheerygrin:

(I also made this wallpaper, and wasn't sure where to post it)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v60/Gaia.../SpiderWall.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v60/Gaian_Issues/SpiderWall.jpg)

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on September 13, 2005, 06:34:12 AM
That looks interesting. Would you like me to add your wallpaper under this month's featured wallpaper?  

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Corsair5 on September 13, 2005, 05:09:17 PM
It reminds me of the Spiderweb Software Logo.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Sirus on September 14, 2005, 12:20:52 AM
I don't care, I just made it and posted it up here.

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Swift on September 14, 2005, 05:33:58 AM
Do you have a bigger version, like perhaps 1280 x 960? I notice that it's rather small, and my resizing it might cause the quality to take a dip.  

Title: Icon Contest
Post by: Sirus on September 14, 2005, 10:54:16 PM
Sorry, I don't have a bigger version...